This is the first shipment of the year. Below, is the list of species courtesy of LPS, the supplier of all my tropical chrysalis. Charaxes Castor x2
Euxanthe wakefieldi x2
Cethosia biblis x2
Hypolimnas bolina x2
Parthenos sylvia violaceae x2
Vindula dejone x2
Idea leuconoe x2
Anteos clorinde x2
Archaeoprepona demophon x2
Siproeta epaphus x2
Morpho peleides x2
Caligo atreus x2
Doleschallia bisaltide x2
Heliconius erato x2
Below is a photo of all the pupae in the incubator:

All species emerged successfully except 2 Heliconius and 1 Charaxes.
